There are tens of thousands of mushrooms species. Some of them are especially good for brain health. Have you heard of Lion’s Mane Mushroom? It provides some serious brain benefits.
What is Lion’s Mane Mushroom?
Lion’s Mane Mushroom gets its name from its distinct look. On the outside, it resembles a Lion’s Mane. It is a “shaggy” looking mushroom, growing naturally on dead and decaying hardwood.
It might be odd looking, but its benefits speak for themselves. It has been long used in Chinese medicine to enhance brain function. In some areas, it is also a staple in many dishes. The long-suspected benefits of this mushroom are now being confirmed by science.
The Brain Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Lion’s Mane is high in two compounds that support brain cell growth [1]. This can assist the brain in creating new connections and could help the cognitive process of learning something new [2].
Lion’s Mane also helps the brain form new connections by supporting the myelination process. Myelination is essential in establishing connections between brain cells [3].
The extract helps to reduce memory loss in mice. Lion’s Mane extract also fights neuronal damage [4]. This has more significant implications for the treatment of diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Another study on older adults supports the idea that Lion’s Mane boosts mental functioning. The participants had minor cognitive impairment. Supplementing for four months improved their cognitive functioning. Interestingly, this effect went away when supplementation discontinued [5].
Try Brain Tea
How Does Lion’s Mane Impact Mental Health?
High-pressure lifestyles can affect anxiety and depression. Lion’s Mane has been studied by scientists to see how it could help.
Lion’s Mane has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in mice. This could be due to the anti-inflammatory benefits it provides. It may also be due in part to the effect Lion’s Mane has on improving hippocampal function [6]. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that helps to regulate emotion.
A human study on menopausal women showed a similar effect. Women who supplemented with Lion’s Mane reported having reduced symptoms of anxiety [7]. High anxiety can affect mental focus. Reducing anxiety is important for supporting a sharp brain.
Are there Side Effects of Lion’s Mane Mushroom?
Experiencing a side effect as a result of consuming Lion’s Mane is unlikely. Lion’s Mane, even in its natural form, is safe for human consumption. As a result, it is commonly used in the culinary world [3]. If you ever have concerns about supplementing with something new, check with your healthcare professional first.
How Can I Supplement with Lion’s Mane Mushroom?
Lion’s Mane Mushroom can be eaten fresh just like any other mushroom. An easier alternative is to have it in tea. BrainTea contains Lion's mane powder to make it easy for your body to absorb it and reap the benefits.
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