Ginkgo Biloba and Brain Health

Ginkgo biloba has anti-inflammation effect, and shown to reduce dementia, enhance memory and overall mental function.
Ginkgo Biloba and Brain Health

Have you been feeling a little foggy lately? There are ways that you can boost your mental clarity, and Ginkgo biloba is one of the best natural aids. It is also one of the most well-known - mainly for its brain-boosting benefits. Adding it to your morning routine could improve your brain health.


What is Ginkgo?

Ginkgo refers to ginkgo biloba, a tree known to grow for hundreds of years. The species is originally from China. It is now grown worldwide and its leaves have been harvested and used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Ginkgo biloba is referred to as a living fossil. It is the only survivor from a long line of ancient plants. The plant itself is unusually high in antioxidants, which can explain many of the benefits offered by ginkgo.


The Brain Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

A lot of studies have been done on ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba was shown to reduce cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease [1]. Scientists suspect that the antioxidants found in ginkgo are behind this effect.

Ginkgo also enhances memory and overall mental function in older adults. After supplementing ginkgo for 14 days, study participants were found to have an increased working memory [2]. This makes it a valuable tool as it can help with learning.

Many studies show that ginkgo reduces cognitive decline in patients dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia [3]. However, newer studies are focusing on how ginkgo supports brain function in younger individuals. The implications regarding enhanced brain function in adults and young adults are promising. More studies continue to be done in this area.


Ginkgo Biloba Tea

Try Brain Tea

Mental Health Benefits of Ginkgo

Memory and focus isn’t the only way ginkgo supports your brain. It can also boost your mood. Patients with anxiety issues who supplemented with ginkgo for four weeks found an improvement in their anxiety symptoms [4].

There are also promising studies relating to ginkgo’s effect on depression. Gingko helps with modulation of neurotransmission and also boosts neurotrophic factors [5]. This leads scientists to believe that ginkgo biloba may be effective in helping to reduce symptoms of depression.

Stress impairs cognitive function. It also makes it hard to stay motivated. If you are stressed and dealing with the cognitive and emotional repercussions, gingko could help.


Is Ginkgo Safe to Use?

Ginkgo is safe for most people. The potential side effects are mild [6]. If you are concerned about possible drug interactions, consult your healthcare professional. Ensure your supplement contains ginkgo leaf and not ginkgo seed, as the seed is unsafe for consumption.


Who Should take Ginkgo?

A wide variety of people from all walks of life use ginkgo. It provides a natural cognitive and mood elevating boost [2, 4]. This makes it a great option for busy professionals and hardworking students.

If you are cutting back on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks, consider using BrainTea. It’s an organic natural tea that contains Ginkgo and improves cognitive function.

Ginkgo is one of the star ingredients in Brain Tea formula. Brain Tea is specially formulated to provide you with enhanced mental performance. Get your Brain Tea now.

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