Cacao, Your Brain's Favourite Treat

Cacao is a rich source of flavonoids, antioxidants that improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, potentially protecting against heart disease and stroke. The consumption of cacao has been linked to improved mood, reduced stress, and potential cognitive benefits.
Cacao, Your Brain's Favourite Treat

Primary Key Points

Cacao vs Cocoa: Cacao is the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate, offering the most health benefits, including managing insulin levels, improving cognitive abilities, and reducing blood pressure. Cocoa is processed at higher temperatures, often losing some beneficial properties, and frequently contains added sugar and dairy.

Cacao and Brain Health: Cacao is rich in cocoa flavanols, which have been linked to improved blood flow to the brain, better insulin resistance, and enhanced cognitive abilities, particularly in older adults with mild dementia.

Flavonoids for Cognitive Function: Flavonoids found in cacao help protect the brain from neurotoxins, support memory, and improve the ability to learn and retain new information.


It’s no secret that chocolate is one of modern society's most cherished sweet treats. If you are like most chocolate lovers, you have seen the words cacao or cocoa listed on a few chocolate products. Perhaps it never crossed your mind to consider the difference between the two. You probably assumed they were the same thing and absently dismissed the variation in spelling. 

It is important to note, though, that cocoa and cacao are different forms of chocolate, and the distinction relies heavily on how they are processed. The discrepancy also exists in the nutritional benefits each one affords. 

Cocoa vs Cacao – What is the difference? 

The Theobroma cacao tree is the source of cocoa and cacao. It yields seed pods that contain cacao beans. These beans can be consumed as is and generally offer a bitter taste that is much different from the sweet chocolate most people know.

The most healthful benefits are credited to raw cacao beans. Cacao is said to host the following benefits when eaten in its most natural form: 

  • Manage insulin levels
  • Improve cognitive abilities
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Enhance heart health 

Cocoa is created through various processes. It endures elevated temperatures and substantial modifications during the processing stage, which tend to alter its inherent properties. It is available as natural cocoa powder, Dutch-processed cocoa powder, and cocoa butter. 

It is also available as chocolate nibs and chips but often contains additional ingredients such as sugar and dairy, which undermine its remaining benefits. Furthermore, the more complex the product, the more processes it has undergone to achieve its state. This often results in a product that does not reflect the real benefits cacao provides. 

How Is Cacao Beneficial For The Brain?  

Flavanol is a plant nutrient found in various foods. However, the emphasis has been placed on cocoa flavanols, as they are the most apparent in cacao beans. Consuming cocoa flavanols has been linked to increased blood flow to the brain, improved insulin resistance, and other factors that impact the brain. 

According to a 2012 study, mature adults with mild dementia clearly improved their thinking skills. These results were revealed based on the participants' daily consumption of cocoa flavanols.

For some time, flavonoids have been admired for their contribution to brain health. These plant nutrients are supported by their likelihood to defend against neurotoxins and promote significant brain functions, such as memory and the ability to absorb new information.


Brain Tea Stimulates Your Cognitive Performance 

The brain is an organ that controls all functions of the body, and it helps us comprehend and navigate the world. It is also important for helping us learn, focus, and retain data. Brain Tea naturally supports these daily cognitive tasks and contains organic herbs that help to enhance brain function. Are you interested in how Brain Tea can help? Get your Brain Tea now! 


What is the difference between cacao and cocoa?

Cacao is the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate that retains most of its nutrients, while cocoa undergoes processing at higher temperatures, which can diminish some of its beneficial properties.

How does cacao benefit brain health?

Cacao contains cocoa flavanols, which improve blood flow to the brain, help manage insulin resistance, and support cognitive abilities, particularly in aging adults.

What are flavonoids, and how do they impact the brain?

Flavonoids are plant nutrients found in cacao that protect the brain from neurotoxins and support essential brain functions such as memory, learning, and cognitive performance.

Is cocoa still beneficial despite processing?

While cocoa retains some health benefits, it often loses many nutrients during processing, especially when added sugar and dairy, reducing its effectiveness.

Additional Readings

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