3 Benefits Of Nature

Research shows that spending time in nature improves cognition, strengthens immunity, reduces stress, and even lowers risk of psychiatric disorders.

Primary Key Points

Nature enhances cognition: Spending time in natural environments improves cognitive functions such as working memory, attentional control, and cognitive flexibility.

Nature supports mental health: Regular exposure to nature increases happiness, positive emotions, and social interactions while reducing mental distress.

Nature boosts immunity: Interacting with natural environments strengthens the immune system by increasing white blood cell levels, which helps the body fight off infections.


As technology continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, many of us are growing reliant on screens and spending less time outdoors. Scientists, however, have consistently documented the numerous benefits of getting out into nature, including improved attention, reduced stress, better mood, and even lower risk of psychiatric disorders.

Research is now revealing the potential value of all types of natural environments, including green spaces like parks and forests and blue spaces like river and ocean views. As our understanding of nature's potential benefits continues to evolve, we can all work to better tap into Mother Nature's healing powers.

Nature’s Top 3 Benefits

1. Nature and Cognition Enhancement

Spending time in nature is a healing escape for an often overworked and stressed brain. Research shows that interacting with natural environments has significant cognitive benefits, and being surrounded by greenery can promote cognitive development in children and enhance self-control in adults.

Studies have also found that exposure to natural environments improves working memory, cognitive flexibility, and attentional control, while exposure to urban environments is associated with attention deficits. [1]

Researchers in Australia conducted an experiment where students engaged in a dull and draining task, with some of them taking a rest to look out at a flowering green roof while others looked at a concrete rooftop. They found that students who glanced at the greenery made significantly fewer mistakes. [2]

These findings suggest that just a few moments of connecting with nature can significantly improve our cognitive performance and help us maintain our focus.

2. Nature and Mental Health

There is ample evidence to suggest that interacting with nature provides emotional benefits. Studies have shown that contact with nature increases happiness, positive emotions, positive social interactions, and a sense of meaning and purpose while reducing mental distress. [3]

There is also evidence that spending time in nature during childhood can have long-lasting effects on mental health.

Researchers found that children who live in neighborhoods with more green space have a reduced risk of mental illness later in life, including depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and substance use disorders.

On the other hand, people with little contact with green space during childhood have a 55% higher risk of developing mental illness compared to those who grew up with ample green space. [4]

3. Nature and Immunity Improvement

Staying indoors for prolonged periods can weaken immune health. Your immune system relies on regular exposure to foreign substances, such as those found in nature, to function well.

Spending time in natural environments boosts immune function and prepares the body to fight off infection, as demonstrated by a 2010 study that found a three-day forest bathing trip led to elevated white blood cell levels for up to 30 days after. [5] 

These results are significant because white blood cells are crucial for immune system function, helping the body fend off harmful microbes and promoting overall health. By reinforcing the body's natural germ-fighting abilities through regular outdoor excursions, individuals can feel healthier and more resilient in all areas of life.


Ditch the device; step into nature! Walk in the wild or visit your local park for endless health benefits. Make outdoor activities your hobby, alone or with loved ones. Experience nature's healing powers and reap the rewards for your body and mind. Let's go!


How does spending time in nature enhance cognitive abilities?

Spending time in nature improves cognitive functions such as working memory, attention control, and flexibility. Studies have demonstrated that even brief exposure to natural environments can help reduce mistakes and enhance focus compared to urban settings.

How does nature affect mental health?

Nature offers numerous mental health benefits, including increasing positive emotions, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of meaning and purpose.

Does childhood exposure to nature have long-term mental health benefits?

Yes, childhood exposure to green spaces has been linked to a lower risk of developing mental illnesses later in life. Those who grew up with more access to nature have a significantly reduced likelihood of experiencing conditions such as depression, mood disorders, and schizophrenia.

How does nature improve the immune system?

Spending time in natural environments enhances immune function by increasing white blood cell levels. These cells are vital for protecting the body against harmful microbes.

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[1]Understanding Nature and Its Cognitive Benefits - Kathryn E. Schertz, Marc G. Berman, 2019 (sagepub.com)

[2]40-second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-breaks in attention restoration - ScienceDirect

[3]Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective | Science Advances

[4]Residential green space in childhood is associated with lower risk of psychiatric disorders from adolescence into adulthood | PNAS

[5]Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function - PubMed (nih.gov)

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